List of Individual and Corporate Flaws

Individual flaws.


-Most of you are really bad when it comes to standing in narrow places, and completely unaware if/when a person behind you wants to pass through (like grocery store aisles, for example, especially with groups in a conversation).

For example, if someone were walking towards a water fountain, and their friend immediately approached them just before they were about to drink from the fountain, they'll stop and stand and talk, thereby blocking the fountain so no 1 else can immediately use, even if there were people standing nearby that shows they want to use the fountain.

-Most of you people who ride the escalators in groups of 2, stand to the left or the right of each other, rather than in front of or behind each other, and therefore block traffic.
-Likewise, most of you when you ride the escalator alone and don’t lean to a side, you’re unaware if someone is right behind you.


-Most of you when you see you’re about to miss a bus, you run scream while waving your arm back and forth.
-Most of you when you’re about to get on the bus, are unaware if someone is about to get off the front of the bus, and some of you exiting through the front take your time exiting the bus.

-Most of you don’t put dividers when finishing putting on groceries on the conveyor belt. But a bigger issue is, when the person in front of you uses the conveyor belt, I find that does not make the next person reciprocate the same.

-Most of you (and this may be by gender) when person A is talking to you, and then your friend person B comes to you and interrupts person A, causing person A to leave, you don’t feel morally obligated to continue the conversation with person A when you see person A later.

Customer service.

-Most of you who work in the fast food industry, always say “anything else / will that complete your order,” “any drinks?” and “for here or to go.”
-Likewise, most of you do not say “For $X more dollars, would you like __” you instead say “would you like __?”

If I were a supervisor I would tell my employees not to ask customers for some item that they did not order!

At Dunkin Donuts, if you order a bagel, they'll ask you if you want cream on it. If you say yes, the price goes from $1.09 to $2.49. (They do not say, for $1.40 more, would you want cream on it?).

-There’s some ice cream dessert booths I go to every year. Each time, they don’t have any prices, and each time, I don’t ask “what’s the price of __” I instead ask “How come you don’t have any prices” and every time, except once, they instead treat the question as “what are all the prices.”

Quote: If someone asks question A but meant B, while most people will answer question A only or B only, few people answer both.

-When restaurant staff serve water, in the winter time, they include ice in it. But some places have cold winters! But they still serve ice in the winter by default. Sometimes it's the fault of the restaurant staff, or the fault of the corporation for forcing their staff to.

The sad part about me is, sometimes in the cold winter, I'll purposely go into a restaurant like without a coat, or appearing to be more cold, just to see if they'll service ice in the water. I'll also purposely not say "no ice." And when ice water is served, I'll just pluck the ice onto a plate or so. The even sadder part is, I could have walked into the restaurant and already conspired to "not pay tips" and then when this happens, this further gives me reason not to pay tips.

Note: some restaurants have philosophies of not adding salt and pepper, therefore they leave salt and pepper at the table. They might as well do this with ice, that is, leaving a jar for ice only, and let people decide if they want to use it for their drinks.

-1 time I sat at a cafeteria, and in the next to my table was sunglasses/scarfs. Then the employee comes over, takes it, and throw it in the garbage. Then I go “What if that person came running back, and now it’s gone.” So I went to the office to come up with a suggestion, which was throw away items at the end of the day instead.

-Most minimum wage employees need to take cigarette breaks. This is not an issue if there are multiple workers doing the same thing. But sometimes, there could be a 24-hour place where there is only 1 employee on duty, like at a Subway's, and when he goes out on a cigarette break, he has to stand outside the store. If he sees someone walking in the store, he has to end his cigarette break, or not do anything. This is also the fault of the corporation for allowing employees who need cigarette breaks to work alone shifts. As a corportation, they don't keep track of which employees need cigarette breaks and which 1s don't.

Single-variable thinking.

-Go into a Dunkin Donuts store, order a small hot chocolate. If they are out of small cups, they take a medium cup, but fill it to ~80% full, but still charge it as a small cup. But another time, under a different employee, who said "no small cups, only medium." So as I turned around and left, he shouted back to me "take a medium cup, only __ cents more."

The sad part is, some employees are intelligent enough to see past this, but others don't. Believe it or not, I even submitted a question to corporate Dunkin Donuts, asking if there was a policy that prevents employees from doing this (using a medicum cup and filling it less full, if out of small cups) and couldn't get an answer.

-(This is a case where you have to figure them out 1st) Go to a store like McDonald's, take out a $10 bill and ask to break it for $5 and $1's? The cashier says "you have to buy something 1st." Okay, so I ordered a single item. Then swiped my card. However, the cashier still did not allow me to break change. So I asked ... for a refund. She got the manager. The manager comes, and when I told them I was originally trying to break change, she makes the "you couldn't wait in line?" and I say "Sure I could."

And so, the person behind me orders, and that person pays "in cash" and so now I can break change. This is an example of something you learn by observation 1st. The fault of the cashier was they should have said "you have to buy something, and it has to be in cash." But it's also the fault of the corporation for not teaching employees these prior. A veteran McDonald's employee, for example, may know this after years of experience. Just like they don't teach on whether it's okay, or not okay, to use a medium cup, when they're out of small cups, as a get-around.

-Many employees don't distinguish between items that aren't here now, and items that aren't permanently here (2 examples).

For example, this pizza place I go to, has regular slices and deep-dish slices. They have pepperoni slices, but for deep-dish, only spinach or cheese. Every time I say "deep-dish pepperoni slice" they always say "we don't have pepperoni," and I continuosly ask new employees just to see if any will distinguish "we don't have it here right now" or "we don't have it, period." Because if you don't have it right now, can it be made on request? And if so, how long will it take? And these employees always fail me.

Another example is corporations that have seasonal items. And those items can be discontinued from a menu. But the fault of the corporation is they don't communicate to new-hires about it. For example, they don't say "there was a seasonal item that was discontinued around the time you were hired." This could prevent a customer from asking "you don't have it because you're out, or you don't have it because you discontinued making it?"

The arrogant and the non-arrogant.

-When ordering fast food and getting on the bus, I already have my card/cash ready. Compared to others who wait for the cashier to tell them the price before getting out their wallets, or reaching for their cards in their wallet after they get on the bus.

-When crossing the street and I see a car slowing down, and I see I'm the last pedestrian, I speed up rather than take my time.
-When crossing the street in a long, continued-group, if I see I am the last person, I speed up and pass the next person so I am not the last person holding up the waiting cars. But doing so does not make the next last-person speed up.

-Situations where a person is some 10-feet behind me, walking in the same direction as me. As I reach the corner 1st, I yield to the car 1st, which is making a complete stop so the car can pass. But the person behind me will just walk right through, causing the car to yield to them instead. So now what should I do - follow behind the pedestrian even though I yielded to let the car through, or wait for the pedestrian to finish crossing the street, so the car I just yielded to can proceed, and then proceed?

-Most of you don’t attemp to run when you’re late to class.

Discipline and parenting.

-Too many people lack discipline. For example, many times when people ordered some ice cream scoop, and after receiving it, later dropped some of it on the floor, they’ll try to get another 1 for free.

-Too many times a good situation to discipline kids, parents do not. For example, on the train when the train beeps and the train operator speaks on the microphone, and kids continue talking, the parents just give them a quick “shhhh.” And that’s it. But for me, this is a good opportunity to teach them something, so even though some 99% of the time what the operator said is not important or predictable, I would tell them “When you hear the train operator talk on the speakers, to shut up or quiet down, for the *possibility* that they will say something important, even if they did not.”


-As I was walking on the public train 1 day, a homeless person asked me out loud “Scuse me, do you know what time it is?” I replied, “No, I have to look at my watch.” Then I looked at my watch, and said “hh:mm.”

-I don't ask people "how old, are you?" I instead ask "what age are you."

-Most of you people are never precise-enough. And therefore say ambiguous things. An example is the word “color-blind.” Because the largest form of color-blindness is red-green colorblind and affects about 8% of men, some people equate color-blind to mean red-green colorblind. I once saw a discussion where someone interpreted color-blind as to only seeing black white and gray, until the debater attacked the person by arguing “color-blindness obviously means red-green colorblind.” Maybe this is obvious to upper-class White people. Does that mean this is obvious to everyone else?
-This also means when you’re doing presentations, you should never mix red and green colors as a reference to differentiate.

Cases where you change a person's question - for the better.

-My dad bought his house in 1977. Whenever people ask me how long has he had the house, I simply say "since 1977," even if they asked "how many years has he lived in the house." Another time, while on a tour, a customer asked an employee how long he worked here, and he responded "I been here 10-13 years" and yet he was wearing a nametag that said "employee since 2005."


-Every time someone makes some statistical causation about a group of people (does not have to be a racial or ethnic group), say, 80% to 90% of that population, there’s always going to be someone who says “I know of someone that is not the case” and list an example. So what if you do, it’s more relevant to disagree with the statistic itself, than agree on there being exceptions.

College classroom.

-This happens quite often too in classes, the professor hands out documents at the beginning of class. Then students walk in late, but the professor does not automatically hand to the late. Then at the end of class, the student has to go to the professor and ask for the handouts they missed.

-At end of 1st day of class, when students are in line with questions, this student just takes the time to ask the professor that he wants to read ahead, and what other books in the subject does the professor recommend. And he did this with other students in line with legitimate questions. And so the professor actually took the time to find a list of outside books on this subject… But if I were the professor, I would have asked him to go to the back of the line. And so he takes up a lot of time, discussing this something else, as other students wait and wait. I just can’t believe how disconnected some people are.

Landlords and leases.

-Most of you whom are landlords, never bring up what your philosophy is regarding mail you receive after you move out. For corporations with leases, it won’t be stated. This leaves tenants to ask, what will happen to my mail after I move out? A lot of landlords just won’t notify former tenants of their mail that they deemed to be important (generalization).

Flaws regarding technology.

-Many people when they have a camera, the default is set that really large, and they never change it. Therefore, when they e-mail someone photos as attachment, each photo is like 3 MB or more. When viewing the image, is actually 25% of the image that fits to the screen. But for me… I usually pick the 2nd smallest image available in the camera, and when I e-mail photos, I shrink the size of it. Once the image is shrunk, you can test to “Save As” the image just with Microsoft Paint to see if the file size shrinks. You can also copy/paste the image to Microsoft Word, which reduces the image’s disk space, and then paste it back to Paint. Or, if you’re going to send a bunch of photos, put them all in Microsoft Word and then e-mail the Word document as attachment.

-When I type up documents, I Ctrl S a lot. Because, sometimes the computer can instantly shut down, and I lose all the data I typed. Ctrl Z if you accidentally deleted a lot of stuff.

Advanced topic: setting people up.

(This goes both ways.).

-If you're on a train, and the train operation had made an announcement on the speakers, and there was a group of people who were still talking loudly, you can always go up to them after the operation finished their speech, and make the "hey, I was trying to listen to the announcement, but I couldn't hear what he/she said because you guys kept talking." This is, a way for them to perceive, that you are disrespecting them and trying to start shit. Especially if they are the bigger, meaner type, and outnumber you. But by you doing this, you're setting up a situation that is allowing them to project, if they wanted.

Maybe they'll use this as an opportunity that you're actually trying to be the 1st to disrespect them, maybe they'll not.

-In an Internet forum, moderators often close a thread if it breaks the rules, where they usually post why they're closing the thread. A loophole for it, is it they mysteriously close a thread (without saying why it closed). This also means that you don't know who closed it. If you start another thread asking if it can be opened, or did it break any rules, they setted you up to start a situation for them.

This supports my theory on how White people, for the most part, always take offense to gangs. In a City-Data forum, Puerto Rico section, I once posted a thread "what's the largest gang in Puerto Rico?" and it seems the thread was mysteriously closed as soon as a staff saw it was created. The fact that no 1 posted why it was closed, was likely due to that no direct rule was broken.

Another example is Serebii forums, where after my thread was mysteriously closed, I posted in a forum where only staff can view your post, making the "if it didn't break any rules, can my thread be reopened?" in which my response was a "no it won't be reopened." By asking that question, I was really asking "what rules did it break" and since the thread was purposely closed without stating which rules were broke, I was obviously still not given an answer.

A 3rd example of a loophole, which is to set people up, is 1 that also happened in Serebii forums. (Though this loophole, falls towards giving you the disadvantage of the doubt.). I once started a thread, and it had some discussion. Months later, there was an update, so I reposted it. A moderator immediately closed it, due to a rule I did not know about, and that's "no bumping threads that are more than 60 days old." Then on October 9, 2020, I made a thread, which was immediately shut down, where the moderator said there is already another thread like this, and he was nice enough to link it. But that other thread that he linked - was 3 months old, from the last post. Well, what is the loophole, is that it causes me to private-message him about the "60-day thread" (because I did not see a rule change) which he responds it's still in effect, but is being more lenient due to less activity in postings...

Corporation flaws:

-Similarly to the small cup, medium cup, and large cup, some companies do not allow their employees to charge a medium cup as a small cup when they are out of small cups, even after customers negotiate to fill the medium cup half full.

Examples of employees who as a whole, are idiots.

-Employees are at a facility in which there are 2 switches for heating and air conditioning. Then it is possible that employees can have the heater and air conditioner running in the same room at the same time (true story for me).

-Bottlenecking: in a assembly environment, you have table A leads to table B which leads to table C. Each table has 4 employees to assemble something. Well, 2 employees from table B have to go take a break for some reason. So table B has 2 employees continuing the work of 4 employees. But table C, however, has 4 employees that only needs to do the work of 2 employees, which means about 2 employees of table C have about nothing to do, and they go on a phone break. When something like this happens, 1 of the employees from table C, has to go to table B, so now the last 2 tables have 3 employees, but sometimes the employees are not intelligent or caring enough to do that.